
cloud 7 and cloud 8, 2023 and 2024, terracotta, combustible materials, engobes, 78 x 42 x 18 cm and 51 x 29 x 23 cm

cloud 8, 2024, terracotta, combustible materials, engobes, , 51 x 29 x 23 cm

cloud 4, 5 and cloud 6, 2023, terracotta, combustible materials, engobes, oxides, glazes, c. 41 x 29 x 15 cm
head 13 and cloud 3, 2029 and 2023, terracotta, combustible materials, engobes, glazes, 33 x 20 x 51 cm and 22 x 31 x 21 cm
cloud 1, 2023, terrakotta, engobes, combustible materials, 32 x 45 x 16 cm

cloud 2, 2023, terracotta, engobes, 27 x 19 x 23 cm

cloud 3, 2023,  terracotta, engobes, 22 x 31 x 21 cm, with works of Julia Haugenender (left) and Cornelia König (above), installation art.P Kunstverein

Blue Sky Thinking

Grown up in the ruhrarea, the blue sky, which is visible again in this region, has become quite important to me. Blue sky is associated with infifntity, expanse and freedom. In the context of science it gains as blue sky thinking the meaning for a space in which new, limitless and not aim orientated ideas can be developed. For me it is a space of possibilities for creating new forms of self-being.

blue burn 1, 2022, terracotta, engobes, combustible materials, 50 x 33 x 25 cm, photo Marco Wittkowski

blue burn 2, 2022, terracotta, engobes, combustible materials, 49 x 42 x 41cm, photo Marco Wittkowski

blue burn 3, 2022, terracotta, engobes, combustible materials, 51 x 31 x 32 cm, photo Marco Wittkowski
blue burn 4, 2022, terracotta, engobes, combustible materials, 30 x 55 x 36 cm, photo Marco Wittkowski
Drawings no title (blue sign 1-3), sculptures blue burn 2-4 photo Marco Wittkowski


The face is the a place of expression and identity and forms with the head a resonating body. My examination of identity concentrates on the personal, corporeal experience and the related development of our self. Forms emerge which go beyond the palpable body.


Selfhood 3, 2020, terracotta, engobes, combustible materials, 48 x 25 x 27 cm
Selfhood 2, 2020, terracotta, engobes, combustible materials, 42 x 33 x 21 cm,
10 000 Pinch Heads, 2020, terracotta, combustible materials, engobes, photo Marco Wittkowski
Head 9, 16, 17, 2018-2021, terracotta, engobes, combustible materials, h 41 – 18 cm, photo Marco Wittkowski
Head 15, 2020, terracotta, engobes, combustible materials, 13 x 30 x 29 cm, photo Marco Wittkowski
Head 14, 2020, terracotta, engobes, combustible materials, side view, 44 x 50 x 23 cm, photo Marco Wittkowski
Head 14, 2020, terracotta, engobes, combustible materials, front view, 44 x 50 x 23 cm photo, Marco Wittkowski
Head 7, 2019, black chocolate clay, combustible materials, engobes, 20 x 49 x 31 cm, photo Marco Wittkowski
Head 1, 2018, terracotta, combustible materials, 31 x 14 x 44 cm, photo Marco Wittkowski
Head 6, 2019, black chocolate clay, combustible materials, engobes, 17 x 28 x 32 cm, photo Marco Wittkowski
Head 10, 2019, black chocolate clay, combustible materials, 27 x 47 x 28 cm, photo Marco Wittkowski
Head 8, 2019, black chocolate clay, combustible materials, engobes, 45 x 41 x 59 cm, photo Marco Wittkowski


Werkzeuge, 2015, Terracotta, engobes, oxides, combustible materials, Height: c. 30 cm – 65 cm, Photo©Jennifer Bunzeck
Werkzeuge, 2015, Terracotta, engobes, oxides, combustible materials, height: c. 30 cm – 65 cm, photo Jennifer Bunzeck
Werkzeuge, 2015, Terracotta, engobes, oxides, combustible materials Height: c. 30 cm – 100 cm
Werkzeuge, 2015, Terracotta, engobes, oxides, combustible materials,height: c. 30 cm – 86 cm, photo Jennifer Bunzeck


Versatzstücke, 2010
Versatzstücke, 2010,19 heads, terracotta, wax, cotton material, steel plate, 30 cm x 130 cm x 130 cm

Elf Köpfe

Elf Köpfe, 2009, terracotta, wax, combustible materials, height of one head: 31 cm
Elf Köpfe, 2009, terracotta, wax, combustible materials, height of one head: 31 cm
Elf Köpfe, 2009, terracotta, wax, combustible materials, height of one head: 31 cm
Elf Köpfe, 2009, terracotta, wax, combustible materials, height of one head: 31 cm

The images below show the work Elf Köpfe exhibited at the Fraunhofer Institute UMSICHT and at the Technical University, Dortmund.

Elf Köpfe, 2009, terracotta, wax, combustible materials, height of one head: 31 cm
Elf Köpfe, 2009, terracotta, wax, combustible materials, height of one head: 31 cm
Elf Köpfe, 2009, terracotta, wax, combustible materials, height of one head: 31 cm
Elf Köpfe, 2009, terracotta, wax, combustible materials, height of one head: 31 cm
