

2007 PhD (Art & Design, practice based PhD), Cardiff Metropolitan University, GB
2002 MA Ceramics (with distinction), Cardiff Metropolitan University, GB
1992 BA Hons (First Class) in Ceramics, Bath Spa University, Bath, GB

Exhibitions (selection)


networx, altes güteramt Mannheim
rebound – raumkörper, zeichnungen, frottagen, kunstverein vreden


radial thought, mit Julia Haugeneder, Cornelia König. Kunstverein artP,
Perchtoldsdorf bei Wien


Grafik aus Dortmund, Kulturort Depot Dortmund
Blue Sky Thinking, Laboratorium Künstlerhaus Dortmund
Ein Blick in Dortmunder Kunst, Superraum, Dortmund


Flesh of Time, Veroníka Hauer, Babette Martini und Stephanie Misa
Kunsterverein Baden (bei Wien), At
Stay Home Buy Art
A virtual platform with support of Dortmunder Kulturbüros, development: Roland Baege, freelance photographer, Jonas Herfurth, grafic and design, Linda Schröer, curator and projekt coordination


Residency – Aussteigen – Kloster Dornach, CH
Mehr als Eins, Projektraum Fotografie, Dortmund


stofflich   –   virtuell   –   leibhaftig, Babette Martini und  Hanfried Brenner, Gallery Dieter Fischer, Dortmund


Das Bild des Menschen: Kopf – Portrait – Maske, Gallery Netuschil, Darmstadt
Zeiten der Unschärfe -Times out of Focus, blam! Galerie, Dortmund (solo)
Westpassage – A collaboration of eight artists from the Unionviertel. Westpassage is a project of the Union Gewerbehof. The project is  financially supported by the Ministry for Family, Children, Youth, Culture and Sports of the Land Nordrhein-Westfalia and supported through Förderrahmen der Kreativ Quartiere Ruhr.


Ausstellungsprojekt / Kunstpreis ’Das Leben ist eine Kartoffel‘, Kunstverein Projektraum Bahnhof25, Kleve
Grafik aus Dortmund, Berswordthalle, Dortmund


Kopf Und Hand,  Anne Haring, Künstlerhaus Göttingen und  BBK Torhaus Galerie,Braunschweig (solo)
Traces and Transformations, mit Bronwyn Williams-Ellis, BRLSI, Bath (solo)


Metamorphosis, Fringe Art Bath, Bath
Offene Ateliers Dortmund 2012, Dortmund (catalogue)


Sculpture for Remembrance, Bath Abbey, Bath  (Solo)
Kopf und Hand, mit Anne Haring, Galerie Freyer, Bocholt (Wanderausstellung, catalogue, solo)
Out of Bath, Bath Spa University, Bath (catalogue)


keramisch – kosmopolitisch – figurativ, Saarländisches Künstlerhaus, Saarbrücken (catalogue)
not so fast,  The Octagon, Bath (catalogue)


Der Menschliche Körper – Metamorphosen, Fraunhofer Institut, UMSICHT, Oberhausen (solo)
Material Changes – Objects in Transition, Institut für Kunst und Materielle Kultur, Technische Universität Dortmund (solo)
Identity – Anonymity, The Lloyd Gill Gallery, Weston-Super-Mare
It Wouldn’t Be Worth It Without The Struggle, Howard Gardens Gallery, Cardiff


A Collector’s Cabinet, Bath
Sculpture and Printmakers Show, St Ives Society of Artists, St Ives


[Identity], Old Postal Museum, Bath


Bodywork, Aberystwyth Arts Centre (Wanderausstellung, catalogue)
The Fragmented Figure, Cardiff Metropolitan University, GB


Studio Funding Council of Dortmund (2023, 2024)
Auf geht’s, Award Ministry for Culture and Science NRW (2020,2021,2022)
Kunstankauf Stadt Dortmund
Research Award Cardiff Metropolitan University
Postgraduate Award, Arts and Humanities Research Board
Community House Arts Award, London
Setting Up Grant, Crafts Council, London
Major Award from South West Arts
Honorary Postgraduate Stipendiat (Fellowship)
Gane Travel Award

Public Commissions


Variations in ¾, exterior relief, dance studio, Tacchi-Morris Arts Centre, Taunton
Moving Conversation, wall mounted figures for the Arc Theatre, Trowbridge

Public Collections

Kloster Dornach, CH
Fraunhofer Institut UMSICHT
Ecco Design Centre, Denmark
Community Centre, London Borough of Enfield


Boesner GmbH holding and innovation, publisher, catalog 2018/2019, Witten
Boesner GmbH holding and innovation, publisher, (2016) Kunstwelten, Witten
Jo Dahn (2015) New Directions in Ceramics: from Spectacle to Trace, London, Bloomsbury Publishing Plc
Ian Wilson (2013) Bronwyn Williams-Ellis and Babette Martini: Traces and Transformations, Ceramic Review, Issue262, Juli/August
Jane Waller, author / publisher, (2001) The Human Form in Clay, Ramsbury, Marlborough, The Crowood Press

Teaching and Research

2022            Akademie Burg Fürsteneck, Referentin Bildende Kunst
2020            Dozentin für Zeichnen Figurentheater-Kolleg, Bochum
2005 – 2006 Designing for the 21st Century, interdisciplinary  research cluster, Department of Computer Science, Bath University
2003 – 2005 University of Wales Institute, Cardiff, Research Assistant mit Lehrauftrag für MA and BA Studiengänge
1997 – 2000 Bath University, Bath, ICIA, Visual Arts, Part time Lecturer in Keramik und Aktzeichnen
1994 – 2001 Wiltshire College, Trowbridge, Foundation Course for Art & Design, Leiterin und Lecturer im Fachbereich Keramik
1995            Central St Martins College of Art and Design, London, BA (Degree) Course for Ceramics, Part time Lecturer in Keramik
1993 – 1999 City of Bath College for Further Education, Bath, Foundation Course, Part time & Visiting Lecturer in Keramik

For more information and current workshops: www.mappencoachingkunst.de


2020 K.i.N. Künstlerinnen im Netzwerk- Künstlerhaus Dortmund

Other Projects

2021 Developing a concept with Eveline Kulik for a new networking format Künstler*innenfrühstück, which is realised in cooperation of the Dortmund Kunstverein
2020 Working as freelance coach for artists
2015 Founding member Gallery Blam!
2014 Founding of a Mentoring Group for professional artists in Dortmund
2008 Founding of a Mentoring Group for professional artists in Bath Area, GB
2007-2010 member of the directorate board of Bath Area Network for Artists, BANA






Instagram: babettemartini



Photo Anneke Dunkhase



